dimarts, 1 de febrer del 2011

Sun Rain and Sea Dew Oils

Here you have the first line of magical oils:


50ml of Hypericum Perforatum oil, made with pure olive oil, and hypericum herb (also know as St. John’s wort, Compass herb, Goat weed) wildcrafted from Montserrat Mountain the night of the Fires (Witche’s Night, St. Joan in Catalonia), and left to macerate in the sun for nearly 3 months. It is made in small batches from 100% organic herb.

Hypericum is a powerful fire and solar herb, use a few drops to anoint candles, amulets or yourself to atune with the power of the Sun.  Use in your devotion to Solar Gods in rituals or spells. Is a protective herb, used to ensure health and happiness, to provide strength, and for divination uses.

For a therapeutic use put some drops in your hands, gently heat the oil and massage the pained zone, it relieves muscular tension and helps reducing swelling, bruises, burns and varicose veins. Let the skin absorb it.

50 ml (1,69 oz) in a plastic bottle.

Shipping costs: 
To United States: 10 USD
Spain: 5 euros
For other countries just drop me a line
If the Shipping proves to be less I’ll refund the difference.


50 ml of Rosmarinus Oficinalis (Rosemary in english, Romani in catalan, Romero in spanish) wildcrafted from the Montserrat Mountain. Made from pure olive oil and rosemary, and left to macerate in the sun for nearly 3 months. It is made in small batches from 100% organic herb.

A Saxon manuscript herbal recorded: “For the sickly, take this wort rosemary, pound it with oil, smear the sickly one, wonderfully thou healest him.”
Richard Banckes' Herbal from 1525 tell us: 'Take thee a box of the wood of rosemary and smell to it, and it shall preserve thy youth.”
Rosemary was one of the strongly antiseptic herbs burned as purifying incense.

A Fire and Solar herb, you can use it to anoint candles, talismans and amulets or yourself . Used for healing, love, remembrance rites, cleaning, success and protection. In medieval times it was used in weddings as a symbol of love, and tossed into graves to signify that the deceased would be remembered

For therapeutic use: a few drops gently massaged in the nose and torax helps with colds, and a few drops massegs in the temples helps with headaches. (Use few drops if you have high tension).

50 ml (1,69 oz) in a plastic bottle.
Shipping costs: 
To United States: 10 USD
Spain: 5 euros
For other countries just drop me a line.
If the Shipping proves to be less I’ll refund the difference.

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